• 32 Sultan Ahmed Plaza, 11th Floor, Suite-1202, Purana Paltan 1000 Dhaka
  • 01705-401056
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Sukkari Mufattal Jumbo 3kg

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Brand: Zamzam
Category: Premium Dates

Dates are super power healthy

Aside from the delicious taste, they impart a tremendous amount of benefits to your body. They are a rich source of healthy fiber, minerals, and vitamins and help with constipation, diarrhea, and other intestinal complaints. If you add three to seven dates a day to your diet, the following 10 things will happen to your body.

View:  Healthy for the eyes and vision and reduces night blindness.

Digestion:  Rich source of fiber and minerals help with constipation, diarrhea, and other intestinal complaints.

Cancer: Prevents cancer risk, dates contain magnesium, manganese and selenium.

Nervous system:  Stimulates the health of the nervous system.

Bones:  Minerals present to strengthen the bones.

Allergies: Presence of sulfur decreases. Allergic reactions.

Weight loss:  The many dietary fibers in dates ensure a long, full feeling. Dates are low in calories and fat.

Heart: Dates fight calcium in blood vessels, lower the risk of strokes, heart attacks, etc.

Energy: The ideal snack after exercise, gives an energy boost and is easy to digest, source of iron, helps with anemia.

Pregnancy:  Dates are particularly healthy during pregnancy and breastfeeding as they contain folic acid

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ZamZam Trading BD

Since 2024
  • 01705-401056
  • store@zamzamtradingbd.com
  • 32 Purana Paltan, Sultan Ahmed Plaza 11th Floor, Suite no- 1202, Dhaka-1000

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